Soft Goth, or a New Name for an Existing Thing

t\The one that the Lady of the Manners keeps seeing pop up in her Google alerts for “goth” (yes, she has one, of course she does) or scroll across her Tumblr dashboard that gives her a combination of nostalgia and confused “But we already have that!” feelings: “soft goth”. Continue reading →

Of Goths and Aging

Let’s get one thing out of the way right off the bat: there is no age limit to being a goth. Goth is an all-ages subculture, no matter what a lot of social media tends to focus on or present. One of the great joys of aging is that you become more comfortable with yourself, and (hopefully) care less and less about what others may think about you. Embrace and show your weirdness! Be comfortable in your spooky skin! Continue reading →