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General Discussion
400 1979
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Introduce yourself.
274 822
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The clubs, the bars, the scene... Announce upcoming club events and concerts
950 2092
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Because you need "nice boots" ...
148 517
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Announce arts events and discuss the arts... Music: Discussions of bands, musicians, music making, and such. Visual Art: Drawing, painting, photography, squashed rats and meat-dresses. Talk about it and show it off. Literature: Remember paper? Tell us about it. Drama: Theatre, film, television, puppet-shows and the like, not the LiveJournal kind.
337 1015
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Gothic BC photo gallery comments and notices
392 425
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A randomly selected photo, chosen from safe-for-work photos that have received a positive rating.
5252 5253
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You know that's what you bought those "nice boots" to get...Gender issues, relationships, and "TMI".
30 200
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Confirmed adult users only.
7 27
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Because "nice boots" are expensive, and you need somewhere to keep them.
25 209
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Forums available to site members only, not visible to anonymous users.
1 1
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Paid users and early adopters only.
1 4