I'm not sure if I will keep this or not, but for now I'm trying out having events upcoming in the next couple of days float to the top of the list on the home page. This is a little redundant to the "Upcoming Events" block at the bottom of every page, but not entirely. Any opinions?
There are share buttons available in both the full-screen / phone view and the image rate/tag/comment pages.
Rating buttons are prettier and easier to use on a phone
On the photo gallery thumbnail pages a shift-click will take you directly to the rate/tag/comment page, bypassing the full screen view.
The rate/comment/tag link in the full-screen view opens in a new tab so you don't lose your place in the gallery when you want to comment on, rate or tag a picture.
At the bottom of every page there are now three boxes showing pending friend requests, upcoming events in the calendar and recent comments throughout the site.
A default user picture has been configured for users that don't have one set up.
The wysiwyg editors work show the colours and fonts the post will actually be in (white sans-serif on black) rather than the default white backgrounds and serif font.
Filters have been put in place to make the really old forum posts from before 2008 readable without the obsolete markup code showing.