I have many poems and I would like to post them in this thread, instead of making multiple threads over and over. Here are some I made a couple of days ago. I'll post a new one when I make a new one.
Do you consider any of the radio stations that you can pick up on the dial ,not the net, to be of any use to you? In other words a large percentage of what they play you like, events are announced that you are interested in.......
Just for anyone who gives a hoot, it's my 19th birthday today! Too bad I am broker than... a broken thing, or I would go out tonight. Oh well, I managed to live for a whole 19 years, go me!
...on this board. Hello all, 18 year old vancouverite here. Into antiquated things, The Smiths, stereotypically goth things (but I enjoy them with irony!) drop me a line...always love to talk to new people.
Hey hey folks. In case you hadn't noticed i've been gone and havent posted for a significant amout of time... at least i think. I thought i'de check back on the community. How you all doing? 8)