hey guys,,...moving back home in a few months.. which clubs are best and why....what type of stuff go's on..? i'm new to the Goth scene and would like more info....looking to fit in and have fun...i'm 22 female.....aquarian_egyption@yahoo.com...thats my yahoo messenger..i don't use that email though , i use my main one...rosepetal_75@hotmail.com. anyone is free to contact me for info...take care
So looks like Eastern Canda is becoming Jew Unfriendly again, In Saskatchewan the most decorated Native Indian leader refered to Hitler as a hero, Ontario and Quebec are being compared to Europe of the 30's.
I'm still trying to figure out what the easter bunny laying chicken eggs has to do with the resurrection. Is the easter bunny just a marketing tool for chocolate companies or is there some sort of religious mythology crossover going on (like the pine trees on christmas)? All this corporate secular holiday stuff gets really bizzare when you try to analyze their origins.
Does anybody actually know why it is "Good" Friday? One would think the day you entomb your messiah after he's been tortured and killed would be a [b]bad[/b] day.
Yes, it's a board game. Atratus & I were playing it last night with Kitsune & Armand, and if you've ever played this you know its' creation is worth some suspicion. The questions were either utterly ungoth and totally obscure, or so insultingly easy it was laughable. We found ourselves wondering, "exactly how Goth is this "Goth" game, and just what do the game creators