Here's some basics of what will get you turfed off the site:
ALL CAPS pisses me off. If you have an all-caps username maybe go change it, because I'll hold that against you. Posting in all caps is annoying. Cross-posting and spamming in all caps is an immediate good-bye.
On July 21, 2009, B.C. Information and Privacy Commissioner David Loukidelis ruled that the amount and type of information and the length it is retained by the "Barwatch" system used in many Vancouver and Victoria nightclubs is in violation of Section 7(2) of the B.C. B.C.s Personal Information Protection Act.
One hundred fifty one images from Sin City. There are quite a few behind the filter this time around, but I can't be arsed to do the math right now. So there :-p
My name is Horatio and I am the bassplayer for the German band Rozencrantz.
We have just released our new self produced videoclip for our song "Chase the Dragon".
You can watch our work on myspace or download it from our website for free.