
Hello there, I'm Macabre. I'm 20 years old and I enjoy industrial music, black metal (a lot of the subgenres of metal actually), though I love The Sisters of Mercy as well.
I play guitar, albeit in Drop C (aka the "Nu metal sound"). Figured I'd start with that and work my way up to MUCH more challenging pieces of music and styles, so that way I can play SOMETHING. Even if it is Kittie :D
Non-musical things: I'm a Classicist, meaning that I study ancient Greece and Rome, with considerable emphasis on the former. I want to be a PhD, specializing in Greek history, literature, and Classical archaeology. Yes, it is indeed ALL Greek to me.
TV and Movies: A lot of the cartoons from the 90s. Extreme Dinosaurs, Street-sharks, Mummies Alive, Beast Wars...... also the HBO series, True Blood, Buffy, Angel. Dead Like Me is good too. South Park and Beavis and Butthead, along with the spin-off, Daria tends to wind things up.
For movies, I like: Nosferatu (both silent and non-silent) Interview with the Vampire, Beowulf (it was cool, provided you ignored the epic folk poem), Fight Club, Underworld 1+2, and Beavis and Butthead Do America.
... Oh yeah, I'm in Victoria eight months of the year for school.