putting my foor out the door

Guess I should introduce myself somewhat seeings how I have taken the time to register, doesn't look like these boards are the most happenin place though, but *shrugs* might as well make my mark while I have the chance.
My name is Jeff, I am a 23 year old Male who is moving to BC (specifly Coquitlam) This November the 16th 2006 from the Frozen tundra of Winnipeg, Manitoba! Yeah, I have never lived anywhere else other then the 'peg so this is going to be a big step for me, I have no idea how it is out there, but I have been told my many that it's absolutly gorgeous, lets hope so, 'cause I have no plans on coming back!!
I don't really know anybody either, that's going to be the hardest part, so friends are always welcome!! don't be shy, come say hi!!
If you are interested in finding out more about little old me, take a gander over at my vampire freaks profile, hopefully that will answer some of your questions about me and yeah...guess we'll leave it at that.
Hey hey,
Thanks for the comment. Yeah, I've been to Vancouver once before, in the general downtown vacinity, I spent most of my time on Granville and Stanley Park (it's a shame I didn't stay there longer, nice park).
Hmm, It's weird, 'cause when you live your life one day at a time, and you don't really think about such things as haircuts, you don't really notice how long it takes your hair to grow, Like, i started growing it when I was 14 and I just never felt the urge to cut it, it was kinda like rebelling in a sense 'cause when I lived with my mother she used to take me to get a haircut every 3 weeks, really, it was that bad, and i HATED getting my haircut, especially that often, like c'mon! Anyway...without getting to into my "personal life" I'll just say I never got or thought about a haircut until I was...2 1 I think (23 now) and I got my first haircut in 8 years, got all the split ends and dry damaged hair cut off and then I was like "wow" it's like I became addicted to haircuts becuase I was going back on a regular basis every 3 months.
One point, near April of this year, my hair was getting a little too short for my needs, just above my nipples, and I was like 'whoa this is SHORT for me" haha, so I knocked off cutting my hair since then.
Hmm, a whole post dedicated to hair? Who woulda thought...
Anyway, on a side note...10 days left! in 10 days I shall be in BC - woo-hoooo! exciting times. So, if you feel the need for a new friend and wanna show a brother around, give me a shout when I get there, I'm always up for meeting new people, especialy of the dark nature, haha.
Tomorrow's my last night with internet access until near the end of the month, so I didn't drop off the face of the earth.
Wish me a safe trip, talk to everyone later!
Welcome to the neighborhood.
Yeah, Vancouver is simple to reach from any skytrain station. I'm in the Surrey area myself, but I spend my days off haunting metropolis mall and granville street. There's tonnes to do in Vancity. You just have to know where to look.
Nice hair, by the way. Must have taken years to grow it that long. lol
Hey, thanks for the warm welcome.
Yeah, I chose coquitlam 'cause that's where a friend of mine lives who was nice enough to let me be their roomate for however long I want or until I get on myself going out in BC and whatnot, I wouldn't mind moving to the general vacinty of downtown Van, but when ot comes down to expenses, you'll take what you can get hah.
It's all the general same though, as far as I am concerned it's all "vancouver" to me, just little suburbs, kinda how it is in Winnipeg, different communities make up the city, like "st. Vital" "Transcona" "st. James" but none of that means anything to you, haha.
I mean, long as I have access to the skytrain (which I will) then getting to downtown vancouver will be a sinch.