Questions Answered

-Politics at SFU, one more year to go.
-No I'm not, but I'm sure that once I'm set on the right path by the Gothic.BC crowd, my evil gothitude will be ledgendary.
-DVD collection by associated mood, and not by genre (I pity my visitors).
-Vancouver weather, it gets a bad rep. Frogs,and ducks seem to like the rain so it can't be all that bad.
-Aviation (A pilot based out of CZBB).
-One of the more fine elements in life, all sorts of styles I tend to be a collective. I'm in the process of learning to play the piano.
Feel free to ask a question.
Haha UBC isn't too bad, I studyed mechanical engineering there for a few semesters as a failsafe for my [past tence: There is more to life than sitting while flying, and making a potential wage] aviation career. Now that I study Political Philosophy I'm a happy guy.
The politics department is located on the obscure 6th floor of the AQ [Think: Being John Malkovich, or Harry Potter] although its not as bad as the Communications area prior to its being relocated behind Kinesiology. SFU was a hot spot in the 60s for political activism, where alot of new left groups brought the cyclopian hulk of a military bunker to its knees for a period of time. So it makes sence that with the limited space the university had in that period [60s] we were crammed into the clock tower [AQ upr lvl].
You know what would be cool Werewolf is if we hold a campus tour for the new students/other curious Gothic BCers at the beginning of the coming fall semester. I'm sure there are at least a few of us whom are transfering from high school/other instatutions who might appreciate an insider tour, plus it would be cool to see who
else on this forum is/will be attending the school with the highest suicide rate of all universitys in the country. Does this sound intresting to anyone?