
Bill C-236 : Student Loans

SwoopGuy's picture

Hey gang,

   I'm writing this as a partial reminder to myself, but I also thought it would be nice to bring it up and see what others have to say.

    A couple of minutes ago I was watching cpac (federal parliament on tv).  Some fellow by the name of Khan was reading off stuff about student loans and the things the government has done with them over the years.  Most of it was old news to me (student loan is a big part of my post BA life), but there was one thing that caught my ear.  He said that if after five years a person was unable to pay off their student loan, the government would assume half of that debt up to a maximum of $10,000.  I suspect that this refers only to federal loans (not the provincial portion), but still that seems pretty cool.  Shame they don't advertise it very much.  All this is in an effort to reduce the number of students who declare bankuptcy.  The thought of Bankruptcy has crossed my mind a few times, as it only stays on your record for about eight years, and at present I'm not likely to finish with my student loan for 15 years.  Has anybody else heard anything about this bill or related student loan information? 

Figures. The 10-year minimum was introducted *just* before I got my loan. Now that I've *just* paid it off...

Seems I went to school at the wrong time!