New to the country and area, looking for some tips and maybe new friends?

Hi all. I'm just starting to get settled in my new home and decided it was high time I start looking for a social circle. I'm from New Zealand originally, currently living in Campbell River, brought over by an amazing man I should have committed to over a decade ago when I first started speaking to him in Yahoo Chat.
I've identified as Goth for about 15 years-ish, but I think I was born one. As a kid I was a bookworm and fascinated by darker fairy tales. I learned very early that Disney was a complete lie and didn't stay true to any of the stories, and so started down a path that had my parents worried about depression and witchcraft and the wrong crowd and all the other stereotypes that it turned out were about as realistic as any modern Disney retelling.
While I do have a penchant for fishnets, corsets, and black clothes, I don't stick to just that in my wardrobe. Red, denim, and slogan t-shirts also make up a decent proportion of what I wear. I'm addicted to knee high or higher boots. I love my boots. The biggest fashion accessory I can't go without is my hair dye though. When I arrived in Canada, my hair was blue, hot pink, and purple. Since being here it has gone through various changes and is now orange, red, and pastel pink. This will probably change again in the next week or two.
I'm also a gamer. Big time. I've played in the NZ Nationals for M:tG and am currently waiting for my roommate to hurry up and get home so we can get into Vampire; the Masquerade.
At the risk of starting another novel about myself, I'll wrap up with what I think are my two biggest talents. Writing and ranting. I can write rants for hours, but I try to avoid it as no one ever reads the thirteen paragraph post in a forum and I'd rather get my points across.
So yeah, that's pretty much me. If you're into literary debate and can handle gratuitous use of Kiwi slang, I'd love to chat sometime!