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Descent Naughty or Nice 12


Sunday, December 23, 2018 - 9:00pm


We are hosting our 12th Annual Naughty or Nice party!!! That’s right! For the last 12 years we’ve asked you to come out celebrating what side you’ve been indulging this past year, the nice… or the naughty. Every year we pack the club with good tunes, good people, and fabulous prizes that are given out totally at random. The door prizes range from high end items to random gag gifts and even we don’t know what you’ll end up with!

Descent Dress Code
Vancouver Descent boasts an exclusively nonexistent dress code. “Why?” you ask. Well, it’s simple: We want everyone who comes to our events to be comfortable. New people entering the scene, or just checking it out, may not have figured out their style. So you may be wondering what is acceptable. Jeans and a t-shirt? No problem. Full out Goth? Totally AWESOME. Punk kid? Rock god? Sk8tr girl? Great! Sweet! Wicked! Feel like going all out in some jaw dropping ensemble? You’re totally welcome to. Come how you want to but we are strongly encouraging everyone to dress up in their favourite Gothic style.
