
Gothic BC To-Do List

Atratus's picture

Got an idea or found a problem? Add it in comment.

For a history of updates to the site, see the "site update" tag in Atratus's blog.

  • Ongoing: Performance enchancements
    • "Get it working first; make it work fast, second." --that's our mantra.
  • Subscription purchasing not working
  • ​Facebook login not working
    • ​170430 - semi-fixed. Login in working but not picking alternate addresses in the user profile. If you have an existing account where your primary address does not match your FB e-mail, a new account will be created. If the addresses match you will be logged in properly.
  • Line-break problem in "filtered HTML" text mode -  <DIV> tags rendering inline rather than as blocks.
  • Notify people when a photo they are tagged in is commented on
  • "All Day" events not showing in calendar.
  • Extended user profiles
    • Recent activity block 
    • Ability for the user to customise their profile
    • 140426 Bring back block of tagged picture
  • Default "Edit forum topic" breadcrumb has useless unfiltered markup in it, must reconfigure.
  • Need to figure out a way to make tagging more convenient on phones/full-screen
  • Enhance full-screen like button to use images [done] and show count
  • Add social share buttons for pictures and pages
    • Implement Opengraph and other social meta tags for content first
      • TO-DO ​Using a permalink on FB does not show the right thumbnail. 
      • 131121 - Partially done. Sharing buttons available in public photo gallery in full-screen mode
      • 131122 - Sharing buttons now available on image pages, too.
      • 140310 - Sharing permalink URLs directly now grabs the right picture
    • Reference
  • Minor problems with the friends module:
    • need to change spinner on dialogue for one that works on a dark background, and 
    • 140529 token replacement in the feedback notice isn't working
  • Need to add a more convenient way to search for and add users
  • Allow open text tagging for all users (maybe)
  • Integrate with Zazzle API to allow other products from photos
  • Store page for Zazzle products
  • Make "post to front page" an option for comments (for privledged users) rather than simply inheriting the parent property.
  • Visibility opions on new posts are confusing.
    • 151029 Made improvements, but still don't like how grants are on a separate form. 
  • YouTube embedding code screws up plain links to youTube by replacing the URL inside the <a> tag with the embedding code. Need to change the embedding to only act on youTube URLs that are not preceeded with a single or double quote. 
  • 160827 ​​​Need to stop the picture of the day from picking duplicates. 
    • 160911 Also added all previous PoTD to the table to prevent new duplicates of older PoTDs
  • 160502 Incompatable module version causing problem with comment editing
  • Clean up the way tags appear on blog posts
  • Restore purchase photo featres
  • Width is not consistent across browsers for text fields. 
  • Custom user tag doesn't work without closing opion delimiter :
  • 150118 Rating and share buttons in full-page view not working in Firefox under Linux, not sure yet if this is OS specific.
    • Not OS specific. More a "WTF was I thinking when I did that?" kind of bug.
  • 1411?? "Most Viewed" menu items not generating the right values, should be /photogallery/popular and /photogallery/popular/day
  • 140529 No simple way to make a friend request. Need to add a button on user pages.
  • 140508 Clean up user profiles
  • ​140428 Tagged photo queries in gallery and user profile are missing one important criterion.
  • 140426 Breadcrumb paths still need to be configured for blog, friend pages, and some other areas that I can't think of at the moment.
  • 140218 Arrow key navigation in photogallery full-screen is moving 2 images at a time.
  • 131221 Voting system still needs improving. Votes frequently fail and it is not working (and currently disabled) in the full-screen/phone view
    • 131122 - Workaround: made the image node page more usable on mobile devices
    • 131221 - Created a "like" button in the caption bar.
  • 131220 Image view count will not increment in full-screen until image node has been opened at least once (i.e. there is a count entry in the stats table) Change to insert new count if there isn't one already.
  • 131127 If source is blank, show node author on Image form.
  • 131127 Move tertiary navigation pane to below the 3-column footer and add links for contact, problem reporting, terms of serive, etc.
  • 131125 Bulk update processes are not working in the album form.
  • 131115 Display modified date/time if it differs from creation date/time for forum, blog & album nodes.
  • 131113 Text editor should not convert absolute URLs to relative ones (buggers up feeds)
    • This may be fixed with the new editor, need to test.
    • Works fine with the new text editor
  • 131110 The upload page is very, very broken in Firefox 4
    • May be time to build a Flash-based upload control. 
    • Built an entirely new upload method with the upgrade
  • 131031 Accept/Reject friend pages are fugly
    • The new version fixes the fugly 
  • Allow open text tagging for admin
    • ​131031 New tagging system implemented with upgrade
  • Add recent friend activity summary to notify block
    • 131107 Added a friends' content view instead
  • Login module should return to currently selected picture if used from the gallery
    • 131031 Fix inherent in new photo gallery 
  • Picture count should show total and NSFW count.
  • Calendar colours should be more in line with the rest of the site
    • May completely redo the calendar since Webcal module is abandoned in Drupal 6
    • 131031 Calendar completely redone with upgrade
  • CSS styles for text editor should match display pages (big job)
    • 131112 Fixed
  • Consider closed galleries for user pictures - not really sure if I want to do this
    • 131031 The whole new upload scheme is based on this idea
  • 101125 Notify people when they are tagged in photos
  • 100402 Share on Facebook button is unreliable, sometimes not picing up the picture, or not picking it up as the first picture.
    • See if the facebook cache bot uses a distintive user agent and have an alternate rendering for the bot
  • 091228 User profiles should link back to photo view
  • 091228 Friends lists are fugly and should only show in the profile and friends pages
  • 091226 Need a better comment-notify module
  • 091130 Photogallery comments aren't integrated with Drupal logins.
    • New comments should create a thread in the forum and subsequent comments would be replies in that thread.
  • 091121 All ordering of photos from site, restricted to tagged people and friends of tagged people
  • 091107 Add ACL module for closed & adult-user forums
  • 090831 The CAPTCHA is broken (again) for photo gallery comments
  • 090824 Font size in comments is not consistent
  • 090815 Photo upload table gets distorted by long file names, merge cells
  • 090814 Extend remove-tag to work with old text tags
  • 090812 It would be better if along with NSFW placeholder for permalinks, if the rating bar and caption bar were empty
  • 090811 Permalinks to NSFW pictures should display some kind of message when the filter is on
  • 090602 Add ability for people to tag friends
  • 090602 Need to add an administrative "tag anyone" function
  • 090602 Need to add an administrative remove-tag option for mistagged images
  • 090602 Friends list is not alphabetized on user profile pages
  • 090529 Photo upload page name picker should also show Drupal users
  • 090528 Need to investigate LJ-style friends-list module
  • New tagging scheme is seriously slowing down "by name" views
    • 090519: Fixed. The Drupal-integrated tagging scheme works a lot more like the old text tags and is waaaay faster. Pages that were taking 60 to 120 seconds to render are coming up in less than a second now.
  • First category in photogallery navigation should not open in name view when no name is specified
    • This is fixed now. While I was at it I also changed the sorting to alphanumeric rather than ASCII order and removed a bug where year navigation was showing for names with no pictures.
  • Current number is useless, show ID instead
    • 081230: Current number has now been replaced with ID
  • "Log in to tag pictures" in photo caption should be a link to the login page
    • 081227: Done. Login returns to currently selected picture
  • Username link in photogallery fails with username s with underscores and other cases where the /users/username link doesn't parse to exactly the same thing as the username.
    • 081119: Solution is to use user/# format for links. If there is no corresponding username, no link is generated.