Prophecy (Victoria)

[b]Prophecy:[/b] Irregularly scheduled - Lucky Bar - 517 Yates
Come enjoy the ONLY goth/industrial night in Victoria
All events are listed in CDN dollars and are age 19+ with 2 pieces of valid ID.[/s]
Check the calendar for upcoming events.
At Lucky Bar, 517 Yates
9pm, Monday May 9th, 2005
$5 at the door
19+ w/ two pieces of ID
No dress code
DJ Caligari with guest DJ Kefka!
Door prizes by Dark Horse books (623 Johnson St.)
Well Prophecy is Back, but now on a every now and then Schedual
The next one is May 16th 2005
I see you got the message. I was just about to mention that. Personally I think that sucks large. I just found out about the place in time to miss its swan song. GRRRRR! To the best of my knowledge it was the only goth related event happening on the island. More fuel for my depressive funk. On the bright side, I'll be visiting the Mainland for a couple of weeks over the Holidays. A wonderful opportunity to continue my introduction to Vancouver nightlife. :)