Clothing Question

I'm trying to put together a new outfit for sanc and sin city, and I got an idea but it requires a skirt... something that I find hard to get as a male. Basically I'm looking for a long simple black skirt. Is there any place around Vancouver that I might be able to check out for such an item? I would rather not pay a fortune to get one custom done and I could get one off e-bay but then I have to wait for it to get here (and the last time I bought clothing from e-bay it took well over a month!) Perhaps I'm being too picky. If all else fails I'll fall back onto e-bay and just wait out the time.
Here are the sort of styles I'm looking at:
As I said, nothing too fancy. If I had any talent with a sewing machine I would just go hunt material myself and do it at home... but sadly although I know the basics of sewing, I know I would mangle any sort of clothing project :(
Hmmm. Well, aside from having something custom made, or hitting the ladies' shops for a larger size, you could check out New World in Gastown, or try looking at the B.C. or Canadian retailers lists I compiled. You're more likely to get something fairly quickly from a Canadian merchant than out-of-country (plus you won't have to pay duty). If you have your heart set on Ebay, try doing a search for Canadian sellers only (I think you can filter results in the "advanced search" options).
Mind you I ordered a great kilt for Atratus from Kate's Clothing in the UK and it arrived in just over a week.