German Industrial: Oomph! and Rammstein

I guess you all know Rammstein, but what about Oomph! ? Have you ever heard about them? They already exist much longer than Rammstein and in contrast to them, they never lost their heavy sound!
Learn more about Oomph!:
Did you know, that there will be a new Rammstein CD this fall?
Here's the link to the band Puck was talking about:
Eisbrecher (
Anyone love these guys as much as I?
Einstuerzende Neubauten (
Something inside me finds the thought of classifying Rammstein and Oomph as industrial music revolting.
They may have some few industrial influences, but they do NOT produce industrial music.
This - of course - does not mean I don't occasionally enjoy some of their merry little tunes (preferably those without to stupid lyrics).