awe, sorry to confuse there guy. Didn't know the mailing list included such wonderful things like playlists from sanctuary. I'll be getting on that asap, thanx for the tip. To tell you the truth the memory of the song is fading rapidly but i'd know it if i heard it type thing. I'll try to get ahold of the playlist from the 28th and hopefully something rings a bell. Thanx for the interest and i'll post the title when i find it. I'm determined now, not just for my sake but yours as well.
forgotten song title (i hate it when this happens)

ok if someone might know the title to this elusive song it would bring me great pleasure:
-song lyrics may contain the words/words that sound like: "Best Apartment/Department"
-Female vocals
-Sounds a bit technoish
-the song was played around 11pm at sanctuary on nov 28th.
"sounds a bit technoish"? but it's not techno? so then is it techno-industrial? industrial-trance? industrial-metal with some techno influence? not industrial at all? Is it a heavy song or a soft song? Don't get me wrong, I love playing guess-the-tune, but you haven't given us much to go on out here.
I looked at the set playlist from the 28th, but I can't say I have any clue what song you'd be thinking of. If you have a copy of the set list maybe it'll spark your memory. if you don't have the set list, then I higly reccommend getting on the mailing list. and then you'll never have this problem again. :-)
be sure to let us all know what it was. I'm curious now...