haha its true its cool that you do that im always taking photos of random people its far more stimulating when they are living brrathing beings ....just seeing a painting of him was kinda weird :S but i like your stuff especially the red haired girl and oddly enough the "top hat"
eBay Auctions

Tonight's top story:
34-year-old Goth artist, Valerian, who swore she'd never flog her work on eBay finally takes the plunge. Up to her armits in old work, she finally caved in to the notion that some of it had "got to go". Offering stupidly low prices on a few original and limited edition digital prints, some of which have never before been seen on the 'net, she hopes to clear out some of this stuff before the sheer mass of it drives her crazy.
"I've been lugging this crap around for ages," says Valerian, "and I can't sell some of this stuff at full price anymore because of some minor imperfections on the frames." Yes, frames. Much of this work includes the frames and is being sold at less than half the original framing cost! Why? "I'm sick to death of this syuff," she says, "I don't want to cart it around any longer".
Check out her deals at eBay
~ Reporting by G. I. Hopethis-Isntspam
By the way, if you're selling any art on eBay, feel free to post in this thread! I'd love to see your work.
Well I don't know the guy personally, the silhouette just made a great picture. I guess that's the thing with painting real people - sometimes they are recognizable.
Finally, I have opened my eBay store. It's mostly art (original paintings & drawings, limited edition prints) but occasionally I sell Gothy clothing and the odd household item. I'm so happy I finally qualified to get a store, yay!!