
Hey, I used to have an account here, a couple of years ago, but I have no idea what it was.
Well, I just arrived in Vancouver today, after living in South America for about a decade (I'm almost 20). Of course, I'm completely lost right now, but I'm staying with a family that's helping me get established.
I've met a couple of gothy guys here, a couple of years ago. I'm wondering, where does the "alternative" crowd lurk at night? I dunno if I'm capable of going out at night this first week, but I'd like to soon.
You want to hit Sanctuary at the Lotus on Fridays for sure. It's very easy to get to by Skytrain (just two blocks in a straight line from Stadium Station). The second and fourth Saturday of each month is Sin City at Club 23 West, which is a lot of fun (mandatory fetish dress code), while the 1st and 3rd Saturdays at Club 23 are Malfunction, also worth checking out. Sundays you have two choices: Descent at the Red Room and Retrobution at Celebrities. Everything is listed in the calendar here and club address and whatnot are in the Clubbing section of this forum.