fleeing from the UK to Vancouver...

Thought I'd best introduce myself before I start asking questions.
I'll be 27 this month, I'm a goth. Um. I ike both EBM/Industrial and tradgoth stuff. I'm currently stuck in Birmingham, UK where I run a moderately successful fortnightly goth pub night. Occasionally I DJ, but that's usually something best left to the professionals.
Bands I like: Covenant, VNV Nation, New Model Army, The Cure, Zodiac Mindwarp and the Love Reaction, Alabama 3, Apoptygma Berzerk (earlier stuff), Children on Stun, The Mission, Sisters of Mercy, Zombina and the Skeletones, Tin Omen, too many others to mention, the usual stuff.
What else? For the stalkers out there, here are some random pictures:
Anyway, I intend to leave the UK and land in Vancouver within the next 18 months or so. Unless someone can give me a list of reasons why this would be a *bad idea*. So... what's the scene like? Any good? Am I going to be hideously out of place in my tastes and attire? What's a good goth night and a cheap hotel within staggering distance? (in case I pop over for a look round first).
Perfect, thank you!
I like both sorts of clubs, but my comment about Canadian law referred specifically to the sorts of activities you'd be likely to encounter at the non 'Stand and Model' sort of places. The UK's not exactly friendly towards such things, and it's getting worse.
> the fetish scene is my thing so that ought to widen the possibilities somewhat. Have been meaning to find out what the Canadian law has to say about such things
The people you really need to talk to if you are into more serious play parties than "Stand & Model" nights like Sin City, Body Perve, and Fetish Lite, are the people at
You'll find contact information on the "About" page -
Send Reive an e-mail and tell him Atratus from Gothic BC sent you.
Heh, unfortunately I can't help you in the job department, but 18 mos. is plenty of time to do some searches and investigate your options.
the fetish scene is my thing so that ought to widen the possibilities somewhat. Have been meaning to find out what the Canadian law has to say about such things
Um, not sure what you mean. Depends on what you want to do I guess... The strictest stipulations at SinCity are (correct me if I'm wrong, guys): leave your camera at home, or get permission from the staff to bring it into the club before you come in; dress code (no denim, business suits or streetwear whatsoever; no going buck naked/frontal crotch nudity); costume props such as fake knives or plastic guns must be painted an absurd colour - not doing so *can* get you thrown in jail; confine play to the dungeon area; no gratuitous grabbing (always ask permission); no glassware on the balcony; and no oral/genital sex .
Thanks for the excellent information!
Three nights a week doesn't sound bad at all, and yes, the fetish scene is my thing so that ought to widen the possibilities somewhat. Have been meaning to find out what the Canadian law has to say about such things, will have to see what I can dig up. Hopefully, it's better than it is here (the authoritarian direction that the UK is heading in being at least some of my motivation for wanting to get out!).
What you said about everything being within walking distance pleases me greatly - reminds me of my home town (Edinburgh - I'm Scottish) but on a grander scale. I shall have to see if I can arrange an off-season visit, for at least a week. And it'll probably be the 'Howard Johnson' or 'Best Western', as appealing as the Hotel Georgia looks. Besides, the HJ or BW have novelty value as far as I'm concerned - they sound *very* North American to me. [mild paranoia at having used the phrase 'North America' to refer to something in Canada].
Now all I need to speed things up a bit is a job offer that's officially lodged with some governmental department or other. Don't suppose you know anyone who needs a computer programmer / network admin in about 12-18 months time? ;)
So... what's the scene like? Any good? Am I going to be hideously out of place in my tastes and attire? What's a good goth night and a cheap hotel within staggering distance? (in case I pop over for a look round first).
The scene here is quite hopping for a city of only about 2 million (Greater Vancouver district). We don't have a fully dedicated Goth bar 24/7, however there are at least 3 nights a week you can get out and get all dressed up for. More if you enjoy the fetish scene and more 80's-ish nights as well. There is NO WAY you would be out of place here in full Gothic attire. Styles range from band t-shirts & bondage pants to velvet frock coats and PVC buckle dresses. Pointy boots or stompy boots, you'll find them all here.
As for what regular club nights we've got, check out the Art & Entertainment forum (the "Clubbing" thread), as well as "Events" to read up on up & coming one-offs. For hotels - well that depends entirely on your budget. If you want to be in the physical centre of all the regular venues there's the Victorian Hotel, which has quite reasonable rates. It's a few blocks away from all the major malls and banks and whatnot (5-10 minute walk, if that), but it's a nice hotel. Personally I recommend the Hotel Georgia for extreme class and period charm, but it's more expensive. You can always save your money for partying and stay at the Howard Johnson or Best Western instead. They're dirt cheap. All of the hotels I have just mentioned are within easy walking distance of all of our evening venues. Vancouver is quite special in that the entire city core is packed onto a little peninsula - everything is walking distance (or if you're wearing uncomfortable shoes, a $5-7 taxi away). Regardless, hope you'll come and visit us!