Hi everyone! Just wanted to introduce myself! I've just moved to Vancouver from Toronto......I would like to know about upcoming events, shops, clubs, music...and oh ya I'd like to meet some people too! I have a wide range of interests, some being storms, creepy things, street magic, ghosts, seances, tarot, herbs, witches, vampires, gargoyles, and poker. email me if you'd like to chat!
hey welcome! I'm new here to. I'm not goth but i'd love to be. I've found the style really intriguing and interesting. I don't know what it takes to be goth but i'm ready to learn...If you can help me i'd be really happy!!
Just do what you like, that's all we crusty old goths ever did, well before the British music press used the word "Gothic" to describe the music we liked. Do what you like and at some point somebody might call you a goth. Or not. Just don't try to buy the label ready-made at the mall to pin on yourself - it doesn't work like that.
It's an amusing irony, this being my website and all, that I really don't like calling myself "a goth". I'll call myself an artist, a photographer, a designer, a Bohemian, and a whole raft of other things well ahead of "goth". And even though I've been asked to do it for two college papers, the two major Vancouver papers, one of the national papers, a feature-length documentary, and even someone's master's thesis, I couldn't actually say "what goth is". Nor can anybody else.
Hang with the people that interest you and like you back. Find the things that you have a passion for and do them. Absolutely everything else follows those things.