i say, why not..... if it is something that you wish to do then give it a try.... i am doing a lot of firsts in this last year.... tattoo's, new cars... schooling... online dating.... this... i have never done fetish or goth.... so i am tring new stuff at my age... and who cares what others think... it is about living life to the fullest and if this is something that you think would bring you pleasure then do it... everyone dances (or at least they should) do it now... don't sit back and regret it later..... trust me... regrets are no fun at all...like two weeks ago, i went to my first techno event... and this weekend i am going to sincity for the first time...... it is exciting and scary... it makes me feel alive... if the pole-dancing makes you feel alive......DO IT, the hell with what others may think...
Pole Dancing

I don't post here much, and when I do it's very specific, but I was talking to a friend and I sorta got interested and I thought this may be a good place to start looking. She's taking pole dancing classes, which I know are very common these days, but I'm wondering does anyone know if there's anything in the city that would be better suited for someone cross dressing, like I always look at girls poledancing and wish I could do that but it would seem really wierd to take a class I think, unless well I don't know, anyways, any help or advice woul dbe hot.
From what I've read on quite a few pole dancing studio websites around the lower mainland they acctually seem more then happy to accept men into their classes.
Ah cool. Well, then it's pretty much what I said before. Ask around to see if there's anyone other CDs/men who are interested in taking it and then ask a studio if there could be either a dedicated class, or if CDers can join in.
I don't post here much, and when I do it's very specific, but I was talking to a friend and I sorta got interested and I thought this may be a good place to start looking. She's taking pole dancing classes, which I know are very common these days, but I'm wondering does anyone know if there's anything in the city that would be better suited for someone cross dressing, like I always look at girls poledancing and wish I could do that but it would seem really wierd to take a class I think, unless well I don't know, anyways, any help or advice woul dbe hot.
I don't have any advice. But I do want to join you in on that quest to find out if anyplace would take crossdressers.
For awhile I've been interested in taking pole dancing classes... but from what I've read, they don't take guys (and altho cd's aren't "guys" per se.... we're still guys).
Oh here's a thought - if you find enough CDers who would be interested in taking the classes, maybe you could convince a pole dancing studio/school to teach us?