Insane and proud of it.

Here's something I wrote which perhaps we all can relate to.
Enjoy and share 8)
If the definition of Sanity is:
Following rules.
Living in a Box.
Being in a Bubble.
Being focused on One outcome, thus limiting the array of possibilities.
Silencing my truth.
Not expressing my individuality.
Shopping in catalogues.
Following trends.
Listening to the voices of others, ignoring my own.
Letting the media brainwash me.
Defining myself by ONE thing, label
Our differences will unite us.
Hold on, what was the quote from Catch 22, "I can't give you a Section 8 unless you ask for it, but in asking for it, you are displaying a concern for your safety, and there for are not insane, and I there for can't give you a Section 8." Or something like that, ie, being awair of your insanity reduces the effects of your insanity.
I believe it was Jean-Paul Sautre who said, "hell is being locked forever in a room with your friends." Okay, I heard it on Red Dwarf, but it has so much relevance to this conversation. Maybe people who think they are totally sane are even more insane than people like us. At least we admit to being insane.
Too true Puck!
Sanity is also a relative term. What is sane for one is insanity for another, heaven can be hell etc. The world would be a pretty boring place if it was completely filled with people who all shared the same perceptions and values.
Vive le difference!