High posts

My goodness, Trixy. I guess you don't have to worry about getting more posts than me any longer. You've got a pretty solid lead there.
Hey, that's not fair. I've written some pretty verbose stuff up here. Things I could have easily divided into multiple posts in order to "pad my numbers." I'm incensed! Mortified! I'm offended beyond words! Oh wait. If I was offended beyond words I wouldn't be able to post just now, would I? Better press that cancel button I guess...
Yah, it's just because I am so awesome. Can't you just feel the awesome? Feel it!
On a less insane note, the only reason for it is that I have my own computer now and no siblings to squabble with to use it, and since I am trapped at home much of the day, I figure I should torture people with my e-presence. Take that! Ok, that wasn't less insane... damn.