Australia's relief ($1Billion plus man power to assist in the clean up, rebuild and body id) had totally political motivations. Mr. Howard has been accused of running off with the Americans, causing him to lose favor with the Asian nations, this gesture was an attempt to make up. In Australia a lot of the effected area is of great economic consequence, due to tourism and trade so this move was a way of ensuring Australia's
economic stability. If Africa had as much consequence the people would also receive the aid they needed. Human life is an expendable recourse in this modern world. If the original expenditure can't be returned than it's not worth it. As for problems in one's own back yard, when disaster strikes, it gives politicians the perfect reason to shift the spot light away from their short comings and onto their generosity. Come election year, very few people will admit to thinking about how the money spent helping a nation in need should have been spent on their home land.