

Valerian's picture

Vancouver: Due to a massive rent increase, several of the shops in the 800 block of Granville Street are moving or closing their doors. Three of which are The Leather Ranch (already cleaned out and gone), David Gordon shoes (relocating, TBA), and Cheap Thrills (closing their doors).  David Gordon and Cheap Thrills both have massive sales on right now, so go check 'em out.  Both shops will be gone at the end of this month.  In chatting with a nice fella at Cheap Thrills, he seemed very annoyed about their closing, more so than sad.  He reported that the rent was increased to almost triple what it was previously.  They will not be opening up a new location.  Once they're gone, they're gone.  So far Golden Age, Granville Books and none of the businesses on the opposite side of the street show any signs of closing.  It may simply be that their leases are not up for renewal yet.

  I was on Granville the other day and found about this news (yes I'm a bit late) and it really sucks, there use to be some good stuff in that area. No more Underground, Cheap Thrills, Leather Ranch, Cabbages & Kinx.. it sucks.

It's actually on Commercial, just south of Venebles, on the west side of the street. I think Valerian has added it to the local shopping list.

*grumbles*  I have a little money to spend, I desperately need a few new additions to my wardrobe, two awesome stores have great sales going on...  and my car breaks down so I can't get to Vancouver.  Lovely.