Having trouble with clothing.

Ok, I'm a big guy, always have been. I got a big build naturally and I'm on the heavy side, I admit it. I've worked out, dieted, lost weight, but regardless I'm a big guy. My problem here is, every goth or fetish clothing place I've found doesn't cater to large men and it's bloody annoying. Does anyone have suggestions on what I can do or where I can go to start looking for, well, anything? I got friends that dress up and go out to stuff like Sin City, and I can't go with em because I can never come up with something to wear! :( Any help, advice, whatever is appreciated, thanks.
I just can't say enough about... KILTS!!!
Seriously, that's also a good alternative, as are uniforms (especially military).
Awsome, thanks for the advice, it's very appreciated. I like some of your ideas, never thought of the tux especially. I hate suits and I know they are no go at Sin City (I read the dress code on the door) but a tux could work. I'll have to look into that. Period costumes are good too, always did have a love for certain past eras. I'll have to take a walk around and check out the stores you mentioned... I know I been into some of them before, but was awhile ago, maybe I just wasn't looking for the right sorta thing. Hell knowing me, I probably didn't even know what I was looking for :P
Period-type stuff is generally never "off the rack" anyway, so it might be a look to go for. Places like Venus & Mars or New World Designs will do custom alterations or complete custom tailoring jobs.
Another option is for a more classic look, a good black suit can go a long way, but won't quite cut it for Sin City (business suits are explicitly verboten). A tux, on the other hand, *will* get you in and no man looks bad in a tux. My father was a *very* large man and always did well for dressier attire at the Big and Tall on Hastings (near Richards, I think... damn I could walk there but can't think remember the actual cross-street right now).
If you do want to put together a more hardcore fetish look for Sin City then try somone that does custom work, like Mike's Custom Leather, or go to the places that cater to biker-fags. There are a lot of mightly big bears in this city, so the fetish gear they are wearing is out there somewhere. Mac's Leathers on Granville is probably a good place to start.
Still, though. I wholly recommend dressing up rather than the stereotypical fetish look. Uniform, fantasy, period costume, or a tuxedo are all not only acceptable, but will get you a lot of positive attention.