One can "sometimes" repair a zipper slide by very carefully squishing the metal slide tabs back together with pliers or needle-nose pliers.
The softer metal slides tend to "open up" after use.
Be very careful not to overbend or crush the slider too much.
As for zipper lubrication, you can use something like a beeswax candle, they sell similar zipper lube sticks for dive suits.
Repairing Gothic Stompy Boots (side-zipper)

Submitted by Hallowed_Ground on
I've been having trouble with the one Demonia boot side-zipper.
The teeth seems to be having problems connecting/holding onto each other.
Could anyone recommend me a good place locally that can repair side-zippers on boots?
It might just need some oil but that's a wild guess from me.
From the sound of it the zipper may need replacing, which is a pretty simple repair that any shoe-repair place should be able to handle.
Personally I take my footwear into the shop the is in the lower level of Royal Centre, in from the door to the Burrard Skytrain station.
Oiling a zipper is a bad idea.