Why let something like non-existance get in the way?
Despite the fact that Facebook does not have RSS feeds for Wall posts, I've hacked my very own Facebook wall to RSS gateway and added RSS feeds from the Descent Sundays Facebook fan-page wall and the Rock and Roll High-School and Sin City group walls to the Gothic BC news aggregator so you can get all your news in one place - and I am looking for more things to add. So if you have any suggestions of publicly available Facebook groups and fan-pages, or other feeds to add, let me know!
So a bunch of us kids are planning an evening of fine dining
before the Emilie Autumn show. I've looked everywhere for a nice place to eat and have had no such luck so far and I am running out of time. We need to find a place that..
- Is adult orientated, there is nothing worse than bratty unsupervised children terrorizing the restaurant. I just don't like kids..
hello ...went to my first fetish party on the 26th (Pirate)...had a awesome time. can't wait to go again to something like this (so out of the norm for me..). if someone has a paid membership on here and have an extra minute and would be so kind.. to send my photo by email.. I remember taking 3/4 and they are apparently all in the "restricted" section.