Well, I was told it was okay to whore myself out on this forum, so here I go...
[url]https://www.yinepu.net/nicehairindex.html[/url]: Nice Hair - a slightly odd webcomic about nothing terribly exciting that has nonetheless been featured on Neil Gaiman's online journal and the Serenity Rose website.
Experience the [b]terror[/b] of the thing under Tim's bed...
Well there's nothing in this area, so I thought I'd write a post. I saw a really fantastic movie a few weeks ago called "The Anarchists Cookbook". Yes, like the book. It's about a household of people who live peacefully in the most anarchist way possible in capitalist America. Then this guy comes along, armed with the Anarchist Cookbook, and turns everything upside down.
France has now come one step closer to banning religious headwear, this includes Hijabs, Kippas, but not Turbans. Germany as stated that it is now looking into similar measures. What do you think?