Well, my friends, it appears I have been called upon to introduce you to one of the more interesting characters of Vancouver, our dear friend Ashton.
Ashton has been attending Sin City for a few years now, and is regularly found out on the balcony, gazing out at Blood Alley, or wrapped up in some warped conversation with one of the many other interesting characters who partake in the festivities.
I've just made the newest incarnation of Gothic BC live. I've been working on this since late October and I really don't know how many hours I've put into this to get it to a workable state. There is plenty more work to be done, but hey, I've been plugging away at this for almost 10 years now and there is always more work to be done.
It's that time of the year again!! The novelty has yet to wear off on me, I just woke my room mate up by squeeling "It's snowing! It's snowing! It's snowing!" as I ran out side. *ahem* Composure? I think not! Hope every one else enjoys the lovely white stuff, and it doesn't create too much of an inconvinience (Why does this city stop as soon as theres an inch of snow on the ground?).
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nullam id erat. In facilisis sem et arcu. Mauris sed leo. Suspendisse rhoncus, nulla ut rutrum cursus, enim mi molestie nisl, vel sollicitudin lorem orci non diam. Curabitur iaculis velit ac erat. Nunc ipsum. Fusce placerat felis sit amet leo. Vestibulum tincidunt pretium lacus. Donec iaculis felis non pede. Duis consequat venenatis tellus. Aliquam eu diam sit amet augue dictum tempus. Quisque eros nunc, pellentesque ut, blandit id, ornare ac, elit. Etiam sem. Quisque in dolor varius nunc tristique mattis.
Hi everyone, I'm Jon a British student, graduating next year and looking for adventure. I was wondering if Vancouver is the place to be for a British borderline goth looking for short term employment and lots of fun goth clubs to waste whatever money I may earn. As you can probably guess by the fact I'm consulting a goth forum rather my than my university's career services for advice, I am not
And so we come to the middle portion of our Top 25 countdown, traditionally the portion of the list with the most surprises, sometimes even for us. As…