Hey everyone, I have never really hung out /browsed through the Vancouver Goth Community, I usually do my think in Hollywood... and I finally found it here.
Just thought I would say hi, and ask why isnt there any good nights for Thursday to go out, kinda sucky. w/e
Other than the fact there's the entire sub-genre of Gothic Metal, which seems to be the trendy thing in the European metalscene (previously it was Power Metal, and before that Black Metal) and a label that's given too frequently to many bands that aren't.
Hello all, not only am i new on this site, but i just landed from Sydney Australia, just wanted to suss out the scene and get an idea as to what there is to do in Vancouver as far as goth activities go. A pointer toward shops stocking corsets and all other things dark and old fashioned would be grand.
Greetings from the tiny little village of New Denver, BC, situated in the beautiful Kootenays. Nice to find some like-minded people! Gets a little lonely around here, considering I'm the only goth in town. lol
my pal and i are planning a trip to the v-dot and I was just wondering if there are any stores (not listed in the where-to-find-it thread) or places you would suggest going..
And so we come to the middle portion of our Top 25 countdown, traditionally the portion of the list with the most surprises, sometimes even for us. As…