You could also say that it is in bad taste that Hollywood is profiting off of a disaster. I felt the same way after hearing Alan Jackson's song mere weeks after the attacks, called "Where Were You When The World Stopped Turning." It was a good song and had a powerful message, but I can't help but think he was looking to cash in on the disaster. This bad taste continued later on in the country music community when Toby Keith publically stated his support for Bush and the war in Iraq. The thing about this was these comments came shortly after The Dixie Chicks had gotten a barrage of bad press and their music pulled off US country radio for their comments. I can't help but think that Toby Keith was just thinking "I don't want to get my music yanked off the air like they did."
9/11 Movies

This year marks the fifth anniversary of the attacks on the World Trade Center. Already they've made two films about it; United 93 and World Trade Center. Now I for one think it is far too soon for Hollywood to be making films about this disaster. It's still too fresh in everybody's minds. What does everyone else think? Also, does anyone know which year the first Pearl Harbour film came out and does anyone know if it was met with much controversy?
*ahem* I think that there will be a new movie about the Worl Trade Centers every time the public shows signes of having moved on. I think that Hollywood should have stopped at one, quality movie as opposed to just using a tragedy as cheap celluloid fodder. I don't think that it's ever 'too soon' to make a tribute, but it's always 'too soon' (and in bad taste) to trivialise large scale tragedies.