Gothic BC 10th Anniversary Gala Art Show Call for Submissions

On November 8th at Club 23 West, Gothic BC will be celebrating 10 years online featuring an art show of work depicting, inspired by, or otherwise related to the Gothic subculture in British Columbia. Work will be displayed both throughout the club and in a dedicated no-alcohol-permitted gallery room (i.e. The room normally used as the dungeon for Sin City).
We are looking for local artists interesting in displaying their work. Both 2-D and 3-D works will be considered. Please submit high-quality JPEG or TIFF images to
Please include the following information with your submission:
Artist name
Artist telephone number and e-mail address
Dimensions* (Width [x Depth] x Height )
Price (a 7.5% commission will be added) or if the piece is not for sale
*for irregularly shaped pieces please include the square dimensions required for display, e.g. a circular painting with a diameter of 1 metre should be submitted as 100 cm x 100 cm, while a standing mannequin would be submitted as 100 cm x 50 cm x 200 cm.
Submission deadline is midnight Sunday, October 26. Submissions will be curated by Michael R. Barrick (Atratus), B.A. Visual Arts (SFU), and Elaine Foster (Valerian), Diploma in Visual Arts (ECCAD), CPF.
Please bear in mind when submitting work that you will be displaying in an uninsured environment where people will be drinking. While we will make every effort to make sure your work is displayed secure and safe manner, Club 23 West and Gothic BC cannot be held liable for any damage. Artists will be responsible for transporting their work to and from the club and will be required to sign a waiver indemnifying Club 23 West and 0734206 B.C. Ltd. (Gothic BC) against damage and loss.