
Hi ppl. this is my first time writing on this forum but i saw that u have a special place to that so i will skip this part.
Some time ago i started writing a few poems and i'd like to know what you ppl think of them (u can be as harsh as u want after all critics exist to improve things).
This one was the first one that i wrote and doesnt really have a name so after u read and if u like it (which i doubt but nvm) help pick a name for it (trash doesnt count :P)
Why do we live?
Why do we fight?
Why do we believe?
That to be happy one might
Reality exists
But happiness never will
Just a product of our imagination
In a desperate tentative of curing this personalitys ill
Ill that is our heart
Ill that are our needs
Ill that brought me to this boulevard
That in broken souls feeds
A way out of this wretched place we seek
Yet in vain that search is
For we know that one cannot leave
While in love we dont believe
While love we do not feel
Love that make us feel real
Love that make us feel needed
Love that makes our judgment unclear
As if for him the darkest garment was wearied
A garment that stops us from living
As from breathing or believing
That a better future might exist
Where love at least
Will be an assured thing for us to feast
Yet from the first sight
Of reality we have know
That this is a light
Most of us will never see
Because it lies in a place that is not meant to be
For people like you and me
So tell me now
If love is the invisible light
The fallen angel that gives us might
Why should we live?
Why should we believe?
Why should we fight?
If the feeling that we need to make things right
Exists only in fantasies made for pain to deceive.
Don't ever feel pressured to explain your poems. Remember, writing a poem is not the same as giving a dissertation of a thesis. One of the brilliant qualities of poetry is that its open to interpretation. That being said, I think the main obstacle in fully understanding this poem (IMHO) is the language barrier. The poem appears to be rife with linguistic errors, so much so that it distracts the reader from reaching an understanding of the intended meaning. One example:
That to be happy one might
One might what? If this line is intended to be end-stopped, rather than enjambed it does not express a complete idea. This places the reader in a state of confusion, leaving them hanging as it were.
If it is intended to be enjambed (meaning when one line of poetry forces the reader to immediately follow with the next, sans rest), the following phrase Reality exists
doesnt appear to make sense. If I were to continue with the enjambed theory, I would think that the line was supposed to read really exist, suggesting that either one must be happy in order to truly exist, or that one must fully exist in order to happy.
This enjambed theory is put down when looking at the following line:
But happiness never will
which doesnt make sense unless joined with the previous line Reality exists, giving the meaning Reality exists, but happiness does not exist.
This problem is compounded by poor subject verb agreement - souls feeds, love that make. The reader has to wonder if the subject is solitary, or part of some collective. This subtle difference can have great impact on a piece, and any interpretation of the piece. Not to mention that it is simply grating to read mismatched nouns/verbs.
On rhyming.
In a poem, writing a sentence out of natural order for the purpose of achieving a rhyme can often be forgiven. However, to do so when no rhyme is present is awkward and silly. Example: Yet in vain that search is. This line does not rhyme with any other lines nearby, and could have just as easily been written as Yet that search is in vain. As is, it looks like something Yoda would say. Judge me by my size do you? instead of Do you judge me by my size?
A similar problem occurs in the lines,
Yet from the first sight
Of reality we have know
That this is a light
The specific problem here is with the word know. It does not rhyme with anything around it, so there is no need to abuse the word as it has been. The reader is then left to ponder if the word was supposed to be known or knowledge or something else entirely. Or is the word know correct, and something else is amiss?
So I hope you can see how with all this and more going through the readers head, it is difficult to get at the principal message that this poem is attempting to offer.
A general piece of advice to all (myself included): proof read your work, use vocabulary that you are familiar with, and have a decent dictionary at hand.
Thanks again for the effort. Keep on trying!
the way the words are dispose in each sentence are supose to be that way to rime yes but i've read this over and over and if u give it the right sounds it doenst sound clumsy...or i least for me it doenst, for me it actually sounds quite it like a melodic sound and somewhat old but, if u dont like it or get it sorry, after all u are the pro's not me. anyway i really dont understand what u dont get about this poem... of course its not the lightest thing to read in the book but it isnt all that hard to understand but okay... if u cant get it then never mind...there isn't much more i can explain about the poem... it just says it all. i could try to describe the poem line by line but...its a poem...its supppose to be u to feel it in ur one way...or at least that's what i think...
anyways i can still try to pass down to words... this poem is all about the unreality of feelings and happyness and its like a description of a story for what we (i) think... u beggin asking urself that then u go on finding stuff about those feelings and about what they represent to you... until the time u understand that the major feeling that u need (love) isnt just more than an illusion that we create to make us feel less empty...
Thanks anyway for the comments dont think that i dont appreciatte then because i do.
I am with Swoop in not fully understanding the poem, but I, unlike him, do have one comment. There are a few times where the lines seem very forced so that you have the appropriate rhyme at the end of the line. Here are a couple examples I found:
"Why do we live?
Why do we fight?
Why do we believe?
That to be happy one might"
"For we know that one cannot leave
While in love we dont believe"
You would not normally arrange sentences that way, and when read aloud, it sounds clumsy and forced.
Also, I do not know what this word is supposed to be: "wearied"
Like my fellow literary critic, I will go over this poem again and hopefully have a little more constructive criticism to give you, but perhaps, in the meantime, you could share a little more about the meaning of your poem. A more in-depth explanation would be very helpful.