Some like it heavy

.. so does any body listens to metal? I when I say metal I mean bands like, Death, Spawn of Posession, Cryptopsy .. etc not Slipknot or Coal Chamber ????
*a reply many-a-many months later, i realise*
"any relationship between goth and metal?"
yessir!! some genres in metal do have! people don't realise the metal genre is so broad! if you are thinking of macho-thrash...etc metal, then the answer would be no. but surely doom-metal, melancholic-metal n gothic-metal do!! i highly recommend :
my dying bride (doom-death)
virgin black (classical/metal)
THE THIRD AND THE MORTAL!!! (atmospehric/doom/gothic)
and that is to name a few. i think you'll 'specially appreciate doom-metal as many metal-heads don't strictly apraise it metal as such :(
and a reply to the post! yesss!!! i'm a devoted metal-head! *bounce bounce*
and i wanted to revive back this post because i'd love to hear about some canadien doom-metal bands and the like please :)
doom/classical/atmospehric/gothic metal is my fave genre!
metal sucks, metalheads suck, you re all suck guys... this stupid board all covered by metal heads, so what the hell is being goth or smth like that? whats the matter, ya see any relationship between goth and metal? bloody gore beings and distorted atmophere but goth, welldone...
If you have a problem with the board, then leave. Not only is your grammar and spelling so awful that much of your post is left unreadable but you are a rude and negative person.
I don't like metal, myself, but what is wrong with other people liking it? If you're going to be an ass, go away. No one needs it.
metal sucks, metalheads suck, you re all suck guys... this stupid board all covered by metal heads, so what the hell is being goth or smth like that? whats the matter, ya see any relationship between goth and metal? bloody gore beings and distorted atmophere but goth, welldone...
I like Metal , but its not the endall and be all for me. I like various styles of music.
I grew up with the Metal of the 80's some are still going.
I used to like death and grind core but not so much.
I can't stand so called Gansta rap and most rap.
Here are some I do like
Otep - House of Secets
Draconian - Arcane Rain
Cradle of Filth
Children of Bodom
Good old Slayer
To name a few.
Not so heavy
Tristania - Ashes
Old Metallica - Kill em all
Master of puppets
Here is a link to chech out
Later NW