
Voices of the Ancients

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In this place of ancient magic and religion

I feel the ancients as they call to me

Calling to be remembered, beconing to the ancient God of the sun

They don't want to be forgotten, as they seem to hauntingly say, " Remember me!"

Almost totally at one time, wiped off the face of the earth

Calling, begging, " Please don't forget me!"

"It was I, to your civiization, well we gave birth!"

Hauntingly beeseeching us, "Never, ever forget the ancients! We were the ones that gave life, see!

"A few survived the holocaust, that fate brought down on us

To hide within the shadows, that would ensure some of us would survive

A proud few, that remained in the shadows, from anyone's view

A desperate attempt made, so some would be alive."

" We have cried an ocean of tears, the way we were treated, well that makes us sad

But a few, held their heads high, to ensure all of us wouldn't die

As our world, as we knew it, woud die, really making us sad

We speak from our graves, as we try to make sense as of why!"

" Never, ever, forget the scacrafices that were made

A way of exitense, that would forever be lost to time

Lost to history, lost to a past life's glade

Here, hear us, as our voices try to reach out across time.

" So hear our pleas, calling across time and the night

Never forget, at one time, we were considered as being great

So never forget, a few of us won the fight

Making sure, you would not forget, the Mayan, once on earth, one of the greats."