
Does anyone know of any (interesting and fun) events during this season?
The Stanley Park ghost train was amazing. Definately worth the wait. We got there at 7pm on Sunday night and had to wait two hours for the train. There's all sorts of fun stuff to do to occupy yourself while you wait though. Oh, and go in costume, don't make the same mistake I made. It's not mandatory, but it's a lot more fun. They put so much effort into it, it was unbelievable. Alas though, my resources are tapped for now. No halloween Sanctuary for me, have fun there everyone.
Things to do this Hallowe'en season in and around Vancouver:
All Ages:
Haunted Vancouver Trolley Tours (thanks Puck!)
Ages 19+
Sanctuary "Something Wicked This Way Comes"
Venus & Mars Masquerade Ball & Fashion Show (Railway Club) Oct. 29, doors 8pm. Cover $10/$8 in costume
I went on the haunted Vancouver tour recently. It was very good. It starts from the Planetarium, and you take a trolley tour through Vancouver, seeing haunted locations. The tour guides are in character as deceased people, "brought back" to guide the tour. You go through the old cemetary and the old morgue. I highly recommend it. There's also the halloween train at Stanley Park and I believe something is going on at Playland.