Sin City Fetish Night

"#1 Best Fetish Night In Vancouver"
"Sin City's DJ Pandemonium #2 DJ in Vancouver"
"Best Place To Dance Topless" - Georgia Straight
"Most Radical Fetish Night in Vancouver"
"Most Modern Place To Get Some" - Terminal City
"One Of Those Rare Events Where Literally Anything Goes" - ABORT Magazine
"Consistently Rated One Of Vancouver's Top Alternative Events" - XTRA West
Odyssey nightclub
Sin City events usually occur on the 2nd Saturday of the month. This can vary. See either the Sin City website up-to-date event scheduling and locations.
Dancing + Sin City dungeon!
19+ with ID / Absolutely no minors!
Fetish Dress Code strictly enforced!
Official website :
Plain jeans, cargo pants, briefs or boxers, t-shirts, suits and work clothes. Absolutely no street or casual wear! Lower genital nudity is not permitted.
Suggested attire includes but is certainly not limited to - vinyl, pvc, leather, rubber, bondage, straps, chaps, full-on goth, punk, cyber, tuxedo, tailcoats / fancy dress, military / full uniform, fantasy or period costume, armour, drag / cross-dress, body paint, fancy lingerie, kilt, or any other risque costume your perverted little mind can dream up ... but please, not "just underwear!"
From the moment the doors open, party going folk invade the club en masse and Sin is well known for being already crazy by 9:45 PM less than an hour after the doors open! COME EARLY so as not to miss any of the action!
And we mean that literally! Six years old now, Sin City fetish parties can regularly be counted on to be jam packed full of awesome people shedding their hang-ups, cutting loose and going wild once a month in a no-holds barred yet safe environment, where people can dress even SEXIER than usual with LESS of the problems and hang-ups you''ll find at most club nights! Most people are MORE open to meeting new and new types of people or enjoying new or new types of music at fetish parties than even the most jammin' club night. Attendees range from every age, music scene and sexual orientation out there, with the result of a party unlike any other where people forget about personal judgements, stereotypes & all that other nasty stuff that gets in the way of having full-on partying!
Our cadre of Sin City DJs come armed to the teeth with a hugely diverse collection of music and the #1 priority of getting you crazy on the notorious Sin City dancefloor. Get your freak on in the main room to a sultry smorgasbord of retro and 80's, industrial & gothic, tribal, rock, dirty electronika & dance tunes galore, or, bump and grind to underground house and electro all night in the downstairs room!
Whether you're a complete newcomer or a regular enthusiast, and no matter how you like to spend your time in public, there is a place for you to claim as your own. Get crazy on one of the two dancefloors, chill out in the lounge & seating area inside or on the large outdoor, private, covered patio overlooking Blood Alley, or check out the dungeon in the second room, fully kitted out with a variety of sturdy, padded bondage gear, friendly dungeon monitors, and plenty of viewing space for the voyeurs at heart.
Promoter contact info:
Pandemonium - - DJ, Promotion, Advertising, Technical & Venue
Updated with newer
As it's going to me first time coming to Sin-City this Saturday, can anyone tell me something.....Are there many Cross Dressers that show up?
I am one but I am not passable as a female but would love to show up as a submissive slut on Saturday with my dominent wife leading me.
Anyone have stories of encountering "mainstreamers" after Sincity?
At the last one, I made the mistake of walking down to Gastown in search of a cab, and caught the eye of some very drunk guy. He told me to "walk straight" as his friend pulled him back from I guess wanting to fight or something? Then muttered "fuckin' guy" as I walked away.
I don't know who was more confused.
I'd stay away from anything involving jeans, because jeans are merely borderline costume/streetwear depending on the fetishyness of the rest of your outfit. Too risky. I think an obvious uniform of some kind is much safer.
Or hey guys (and gals!), if you're stuck on something to wear for NYE, what about a nice black suit (or a tux, if ya got one), crisp white shirt, black or silver tie, black or silver mask, and black or white gloves?! And even throw in a cheap black felt top hat? Except for the suit and shirt, the rest might cost you about $20 at Dressew (Hastings St.) or The Party Bazaar (West 2nd Ave.). If a plain suit is dressed up with a mask, gloves, hat (etc.) it's part of a costume, so you can get away with it.
Okay, I just had a friend tell me that we are going to go to the New Years party, just curiouse about a couple of differn't pieces I've got to throw together for an outfit. I was thinking of:
Security Gaurd - Black Kakis, Security Jacket/Shirt, Equipment Belt, Flashlight & Button.
Biker - Leather Vest, Shirt, and either jeans or black pants.
Rebel/Mercenary - Camo pants/jacket, Tactical Vest, et cetera.
War Correspondent - Green Fatigues, Black Shirt, Tactical Vest, and Camera.
Unfortunatley these are the only guises I can realy get together with the short notice, so I just need to know any of these will/wont meet the Dress Code. So anyways, any advice would be appreciated as I realise this is rather short notice.
Chances are she was staff or there with someone that was working. Sometimes when one is there twice a month, every month, because one has to be, it can be hard to be arsed to put something together and laziness prevails.
Unfortunately she wasn't a staff but an acquaintance of mine. She just showed up in the tank top and skirt and assumed she was in costume. :P
Either way - it was my first time there and overall I can't WAIT to come back!!! ;D
I even saw one girl wearing nothing but a black skirt and tank top
Chances are she was staff or there with someone that was working. Sometimes when one is there twice a month, every month, because one has to be, it can be hard to be arsed to put something together and laziness prevails.
Personally I really question why a army uniform is fetish attire unless you are in some old nazi uniform or something wild. But a Canadian army uniform seems hardly like a fetish outfit. So is your fetish to be in the army? I duno I just have abit of a problem with that.
"an object or bodily part whose real or fantasied presence is psychologically necessary for sexual gratification and that is an object of fixation to the extent that it may interfere with complete sexual expression"
That's the Mirriam Webster definition of fetish as it applies here. Common fetishes include feet, shoes, presence or lack of body hair, pony tails (i love ponytails - though strictly speaking not as a fetish), and yes... a man in uniform (or a woman for that matter). Truth be told, darn near anything can be a fetish. Polk-a-dot skirts, balloons, eye-glasses. My point being that there are as many fetishes as could possibly be imagined, and they can be unique or increadibly common.
Strictly speaking I actually feel sorry for people with honest to goodness fetishes, because they cannot become arroused without the presence of the fetish.
"Kink" is probably a closer word to what folks mean than fetish.
As to the Nazi uniform - i believe this is based on a film (released in the 80s?) about a concentration camp during WWII. One of the scenes has a female prisoner acting as an erotic cabaret dancer for the Nazi officers in their "Officers Lounge." She is wearing the officers uniform... well not all of it. Trousers, suspenders, and a hat. Heck, she's even displayed in the costume on the cover of the video... but for the life of me i can't remember the name. Aaargh! THat's going to torcher me for days. On second thought, "based" is probably the wrong word. I should say that this film, and especially the described scene, have contributed to the rise in the nazi uniform as fetish/kink.
THe rest i would have to hazard a guess comes from the discipline associated with the military, and especially so with the german military. After all, they were the enemy, and the enemy is always remembered as being more cruel in their use of discipline. (Not to belittle anything that the Nazis did during WWII, or diminish the hardships encountered by those interred in the camps).
PS, see what happens when you don't post for a while... you forget how to focus your thoughts and tangents run everywhere.
The elusive film name was/is The Night Porter. Here is an iconic pic from the film that relates to what i was getting at...
I also noticed that some people weren't dressed in fetish attire - I even saw one girl wearing nothing but a black skirt and tank top (something I see everyday in the street, or at any other twinky club). My friend and I put SO much effort into our costumes and showing up and seeing people in regular attire was just disappointing.
It was my first time at Sin City and I could seriously go to that every time it's on (if I didn't live on the island).
I loved the music, the atmosphere, everything. I was home when I walked in there. ;)
It should be pointed out that the dress code at Sin City is not, and has never been, strictly fetish. It is, "vinyl, pvc, leather, tuxedo, full uniform, fantasy or period costume, armour, cross-dress, rubber, bondage, body paint, fancy lingerie, kilt, or any other risque costume your perverted little mind can dream up ... and please, not 'just underwear.'"
"Uniform" is specifically mentioned and has always been part of the dress code.
Personally my costumes usually lean toward 19th and early 20th century period costume and classic goth. I can't think of a single outfit I've worn right from the very first Sin City that would be out of place at Sanctuary. I'd love to see more costumes and more people dressed up rather than simply not dressed.
Sin City is first and foremost a costume party.
no my fetish is not to be in the army... its my job... as for the nazi uniform that will never happen... for me atleast that would go against everything that my family has fought for. not all fetishes are lether and nudity and pain lots of people get off on the uniform. Sorry you seem to have a problem with it but hey you are allowed to have your own opinion. so what makes up a fetish outfit then since you seem to feel that a formal unifrom is hardly a fetish outfit.
Personally I really question why a army uniform is fetish attire unless you are in some old nazi uniform or something wild. But a Canadian army uniform seems hardly like a fetish outfit. So is your fetish to be in the army? I duno I just have abit of a problem with that.
Thanks for the kudos on the site.
I disagree, though. There are more than enough people waiting to come in that there really is no reason to let the dress code slide, not even at a premium price. It reduces the quality of the event. The dress code is there for a reason. These sorts of "fetish" events are all about costume and the spectacle - S&M where the letters stand for "Stand and Model". People that don't dress up detact from that.
Well hey i am totally new hear and have been interested in the seen for some time just never really new about what went on in vancouver. Sin city on the 9th was my first event like that and it was awsome. I will admit i felt alittle over dressed ( I was one of the ones in my formal Army uniform) but i still had a blast been trying to figure out what to wear to the next one. Anywho, i am hear to stand up for the guys dressed in the khaki pants. They knew they were not up to dress code and were going to leave but were told that hey this one time they will be let in. Which i think is pritty cool of the staff cause they had fun and want to go again to the event. Anyway hear was the deal they are some new privats in the army and do not have there formal uniforms yet and since we had our formal dinner that night they got stuck in a suit. So it would not have been cool of us guys that are responsible for them to just say " well by" so they took the shirts off and came inside. just thought i would through that out there. Chargeing people more $$$$ cause they didnt totally meet dress code is lame especially since we should up at 1 am. and spend lots of cash since us army boys like to drink..... any way just thought i would through that out there..... nice site by the way.
I know its ridiculous those people who arent in fetish attire being let in, What they should do is enforce their dress code and let all the people who are dressed for a fetish night in at regular price and let in 1st ,then let the other people in who are border line or dressed like the people you are talking about in but charge them 20 bucks. I bet that would smarten some people up fast and inspire them to try alittle harder.
Yeah, you can't please everyone. I wish they'd play more techno/trance/ebm! The music gets a bit rough around 1am for my liking.
What is it with all the guys simply taking their tops off and wearing khaki pants?! There must have been at least 10 of 'em! Hardly fetish. At least most of the women make a bit of an effort.
I attended the Sincity event on dec 9th of 2006 . Last time I was in Vancouver was 2 years ago when I attended Sincity. Personally I was abit dissapointed in the music over all. I was wondering if I was in the right place when I walked in at 9:30 , it sounded like I was in some bad mainstream club . I guess you have to play different kinds of music to please everyone who comes to the club but personally I could do without the crappy techno that was playing early. The Dj from Seattle was very good I did enjoy her alot .
People usually do line up before the doors open. Because people have to pay, remove and check coats and whatnot, plus some inevitable doorknobs that show up in unsuitable clothes that try and argue their way around the dress code, there is always a bit of line right at opening - people are showing up faster than they can be processed at the door. The line at that point will be moving, but do take into account that it is December, temperatures at that time of the night are only a degree or three above freezing, and you're likely to be outside for at least a few minutes no matter what time you show up.
I would say dress "up" more than down - jeans are permitted if part of a convincing costume (although you still might have a hard time convinsing whoever is working the door), but I'd say since you're treating yourself to a special night out, make it special! And by the way, Claire's, Ardene or Le Chateau (pretty much in any mall) has plenty of cheap accessories to make even the most day-to-day dress look smashing. (I hate to suggest that since I make accessories, but if you're still experimenting with a look and going through a lot of pieces, cost might be a factor).
Thanks Atratus, that is a really clear answer that makes a lot of sense.
I kinda got the feeling that SC is a little more (somewhat) "dressier" than what would be known as "dailywear". Although I do have some clothes similar to the (spectacular) pictures that you gave as an example, I don't have the accessories... not to mention the fact that I don't quite have the art of makeup quite down just yet - and probably won't have it down before the coming Saturday ;)
I think I might have to get some new clothes between now and then just to come close to the "par" that would be "acceptable".... at the very least, new clothes to fit the theme.
To jpmfsabo: I've never been out in public before dressed (Okay, maybe alone in a street during nighttime... but that's it). I've never ever been to SinCity (or anything really like it) before, so I'm sure you can sympathize with me for this new step I'm taking right now. I'm not entirely sure what to expect, and what is "expected" (note the quotations) of me.
I just wanted to make sure about what is acceptable and what isn't. I don't want to show up there and get turned down.
Thanks for answering my question! :)
hi all.
got a newbie question 4 ya.
we are from out of town.. and noticed we can buy tickets online for the 28th sin event from another web site.
we have been reading other postings.. and viewed numerous advice to get to the event early, etc @ or around 9 to avoid lines.
question: if we get tickets in advance, will this avoid the line up there ?
( seems obvious, but just thought to check...)
the online tix quote $15 + 3 service change.. tax.. blah.... 20 beans per person...
thx in advance
The dress code:
Absolutely no street, casual wear or plain work clothes! Plain jeans, cargo pants, briefs or boxers, t-shirts and suits are not permitted unless part of an acceptable ensemble costume - e.g. jeans under chaps are fine! Full lower genital nudity is not permitted. Some ideas for permitted attire include: vinyl, pvc, leather, tuxedo, full uniform, fantasy or period costume, armour, cross-dress, rubber, bondage, body paint, fancy lingerie, kilt, or any other risque costume your perverted little mind can dream up ... and please, not 'just underwear.' Your kinky creativity is highly encouraged!!
To summarize: Jeans are not permitted unless part of an acceptable ensemble costume. Cross-dressing is a costume.
That being said, Sin City, like most public-entry nightclub "fetish" nights, is essentially just a sexy costume party. That goes triple with this being the Hallowe'en event. If you are in doubt about being dressed up enough, dress up more.
If you are going simple with your drag, make sure your hair and make-up is fabulous and that you are well-accessorised. Some of the drag queens in regular attendance are masters at this. Here are a some links to a few simple but well-done drag outfits I've seen recently:
Screw it! I'm no authority, but I say wear whatever makes you comfy.
Personally I'd never go out dressed anything like that picture, but that's mostly because I've a spare tire, which just gives me another reason to wear a corset! That and it'd be a shame to cover legs like mine ;)
I don't know about you, but I've been working on my costume since last year (which was the first time I went out in public dressed as a woman).
Cross-dressing in dailywear. That's a good question. Most of the cross dressers there do step it up a notch with high heeled boots, leather minis, sequins dresses, the good 'old boa, etc etc
But something simple like girls jeans, a Hello Kitty baby-t and pumps, probably wouldn't be enough. But that's not official, just my opinion.
But the main reason to go to SinCity is to get out of the house for a night-out anyways, so "stepping up a notch" is a good thing =)
...and when the hot gals drool and fondle your hot wife, it's a good reason for me to want to go out too....hehe
Well... okay, maybe not dailywear. I guess I mean like... like this pic:
If I wore *something* (maybe darker colours) like that (including jeans) to SC, would it be valid?
Cross-dressing in dailywear. That's a good question. Most of the cross dressers there do step it up a notch with high heeled boots, leather minis, sequins dresses, the good 'old boa, etc etc
But something simple like girls jeans, a Hello Kitty baby-t and pumps, probably wouldn't be enough. But that's not official, just my opinion.
But the main reason to go to SinCity is to get out of the house for a night-out anyways, so "stepping up a notch" is a good thing =)
...and when the hot gals drool and fondle your hot wife, it's a good reason for me to want to go out too....hehe
Ha! Funny that I asked this same question, about the same event, a little over a month ago. The responses I got assured me that all would be okay.
I'm slowly figuring out that most of the folks we'll meet at any sort of fetish club/event are remarkably accepting. So dress up, be fabulous and maybe I'll make it up there so you won't be alone!
I'm so happy someone asked this (so I can save myself some typing, lol). To me, there are various degrees of crossdressing. So would regular (dailywear) girl clothes be acceptable? Or does it have to be dressier than that?
Also, I've never been to SinCity before. I've read (more like skimmed, honestly. There's 9 pages. I mean really.) a few posts saying that there's a theme? What kind of theme is there? If things go well this coming 28th for me, I'd like to make SC the night I can go out in (girly) clubwear regardless of theme. Would I be allowed in if I did that?
Thanks =)
Ha! Funny that I asked this same question, about the same event, a little over a month ago. The responses I got assured me that all would be okay.
I'm slowly figuring out that most of the folks we'll meet at any sort of fetish club/event are remarkably accepting. So dress up, be fabulous and maybe I'll make it up there so you won't be alone!