169 Images from Sin City

One hundred sixty-nine images from Sin City (27 behind the filter).
What a night! I thought it was going to be a slow night and I'd be cutting out fairly early after one or two drinks. Holy Hand-Grenade of Antioch, was I wrong! Not only was it a capacity crowd, but due to what seemed like a conspiracy of everyone I've ever done a favour for in the past seven years deciding to buy me a drink in return all on the same night, the quality of the pictures is, shall we say, somewhat erratic. I couldn't keep up with the booze, and at one point I had three double G&T's going at once. Near as I can figure I must have come damn close to single-handedly polishing off a mickey of gin. At one point I even let an equally drunk Evilyn run off with my not-exactly-inexpensive camera.