All the Sin City "Wild Kingdom" Pictures You've Been Dying to See...

Sin City Wild Kingdom Electric Owl 2013-01-26 ...and I nearly died taking. Some of you may have seen me getting rolled out of the club on a stretcher just before the end of the night... |
It seems my second drink of the night was spiked, despite being hidden behind one of my photo-frames and left in the photo area which was closed off with stanchions, while stepped outside for a break. Upon returning and having a couple of sips off that drink I found myself too dizzy to shoot and burning up. I thought it would pass. I slipped out the back to stand in the cool air, but soon found standing impossible. Soon I was sitting in the wicker chair in the photo area being attended by paramedics, then in an ambulance, then at VGH with an I.V. in each arm, oxygen up my nose, and my chest covered in heart-monitor stickers and wires. I eventually needed a jolt from a defibrillator to restore my erratic and racing heartbeat to normal.
By and large I came though unscathed. I have a follow-up appointment in mid-February to wear a heart monitor for a day to listen for any lasting damage. My gear was packed up by my generous and kind co-workers and friends.
My glasses were unfortunately scratched badly in the chaos, and I have a very difficult to produce and expensive prescription such that it is going to cost me a little over $300 to replace the damaged lens. That has me more than a little pissed off. My income is a modest one and I count on earning money, however meagre, with the photo-booth to do extravagant things like eating.
My heart-felt thanks to everyone that assisted me Saturday night and Sunday morning, I might not be here now without you.
Be vigilant with your drinks. More vigilant than you think you need to be.