
Photos from the Last Gothic BC Photo Booth at Sin City

Atratus's picture

Sin City
The photos by Atratus from Sin City Hallowe'en are up in the photo gallery.

This repesents the last glamour photo booth area at Sin City that I will be shooting for Gothic BC. You may still see me at Sin City (and certainly will still see me at other. more strictly goth events) as a roaming photographer, but selling prints at a photo area is a thing of the past and become more trouble than it is worth to me.

However, if you are a promoter and want me to work a photo booth for your event and have the pictures featured on Gothic BC, I'm amenable to doing that for a small fee. 

And, of course, remember that you can upload your own pictures to Gothic BC - all you need to do is sign up for a free account here and you will see the "Upload Pictures" link in the "Photogallery" section of the main navigation.