Updates and New Features

I've been very busy with the site the last week or so. There have been several new galleries posted in the photo area, and a major new feature added. Read on...
The new galleries are:
- Four more galleries from Festival Kinetik in Montréal featuring the world famous Gothic BC travelling beans:
- A gallery of the world famous Gothic BC travelling beans in London, England
- The first Sin City Jagermister Party, and
- The one-year anniversary of the Flaming Angels Boutique at the Fall.
The new feature is something I've had up my sleeve for a while: the ability to maintain "friends lists." Right now this allows you to have a LiveJoural-like "friends page" where forum posts and blog posts by your friends are consolidated. This is also an important precursor to some upcoming features, the first of which will be the ability tag your friends in pictures in the main gallery and is also leading up to the long awaited ability to order photographic prints directly through the website.
So for those of you that want to, go to my user profile and add me as a friend!