Fire at Cabbages & Kinx

I guess pot & PVC are more flammable than we thought.
According to this morning's news article, Blunt Bros. Marijuana Café and Cabbages & Kinx Clothing were victims of a very nasty fire.
[i]"A three-alarm blaze in historic Gastown Sunday morning destroyed several businesses and blanketed downtown Vancouver in cloak of smoke. The fire happened at a three storey heritage building which houses a fetish clothing store and a marijuana cafe on the main floor. ... According to firefighters, the fire started in a dumpster in the alley behind the building. At the height of the fire, 11 firetrucks and about 50 firefighters were involved."[/i]
More on the story here. I am really going to miss Cabbages & Kinx, holy sh*t!!
Anybody know if Dressew is intact? It'll be a while before I get over that way. Is it morbid to view the wreckage?
i heard about it on the news last night and it fucking shocked me if i hadn't blown out my knee friday i would he\ave probably been down there walking around as i do, it sucks so much the owner was really nice it fucking so\ucks and along with the two stores that were destroyed these 2 artists had ther studio destroyed and all there work was gone it sucked :'(