
Anouther Newbie...

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Hi new and have no friekn clue how to use this but HEY im trying! on Van island and im trying to find something maybe model wise or something to bored and was told to look into it.Heres my current web space if anyone wants to take a peek-a-boo

umm..i iditn kink that right,,crap..but you get the idea im sure..well chow everyone!

xoxo Lafayette :K)

Oh frabjuous day, another Islander.  I live on the other side of the mountain in QB.  I've not found much to do to stave off the boredom in this neck of the woods, so when I seek stimulation I head for the mainland. 

There was a post a while back by a fellow who was looking for models.  Try to use the site's search tool using model as your key word.



Yup.  There is a shoot coming up in March.  Here's the link to the thread:,b=90,m=1097477649


The trick with the colours and fonts, BTW, is to highlight the text you want to change and then press the button, so the stuff goes around it:

[ color=red ]red[   (without the spaces) = [color=red]red