
Going to Vancouver

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Hi peoples,

Clearly this is my first post in the forum. My name is Kirk, but mostly people call me "captain". I was born Canadian, and I've been living in bumpkinville Australia for the past eight years, so my gothic tendancies have been stunted, unfortunately. I'm moving back to Vancouver in about six months, maybe less, and I'm looking forwards to living in a city with some sort of culture. However, this will be the first time in Vancouver since I was rather young, and I don't know anybody, I have no idea what will be going on, what places to go to, or anything.

Suggestions, recommendations? Take me by the hand or smack me upside the face? I'm a theatre goer, I like clubs and pubs. I'm friendly, and like any self respecting Australian I swear a lot. I like post-rock and progressive groups (Pink Floyd will never get old), but am open to just about any kind of music from the Vivaldi to Marilyn Manson. I'll be living in my grandmother's basement, which I think is somewhere in West Vancouver (not sure though). I'm fairly active in local art scenes. I'll be building up a portfolio and attending an 8 month course at VCC on graphic design while I wait to apply to Emily Carr.

So yeah. That's me in a bunch of words strung together.

Kirk Out.