
Greetings, from the sunny Okanagan! Bleh... where's the sun screen? SPF 50 should do it.
I am looking for somewhat local goths (and heck, non-locals are cool, too) to socialize with.
I am a mother, a wife, and a friend. I think I am one of the oldest goth in this city, and I don't care. I love my purple cloak. I have been known to hiss at people who stare at me, but generally, I try to calm my feral tendancies, and be kind to others, as to not further validate the gothic stereotype.
I love to wite, sing, play piano, go for coffee, experimenting with my makeup (I just shaved my eyebrows off two days ago, and am now pencilling them in with my liquid eyeliner. I am unsure how long this will last, though, as I look rather silly when not wearing the makeup), reading with my daughter, snuggling on the couch with the hubby while watching movies, and walking in moonlight.
I love to meet new people, so feel free to give me a jingle.
Yah, me too! I am almost done my packing (what a stress), and this move is becoming more and more real with each passing day. It's making it a lot easier that I have not only being able to spend time with my boyfriend to look forward to, but someone like you to meet and spend time with. Wee!
Hmm... well, there are two major churches in rutland. One is across the street from Ben Lee Park, and is very charismatic, the other (where we attend), is up the highway a bit, about 5 blocks, and is a little less charismatic, but still pretty hopping. The are both good churches. We go to them both. My hubby is NOT charismatic, so we go to that one once a month, so I can dance and stuff. : )
Looking forward to meeting you!
He was raised Catholic, stopped going to church around 11 or 12 and is currently looking for answers. When I move out there, and when I start looking for a church home, he is going to come with me on Sundays, so that's actually really positive. He knows how much my faith means to me, and he is willing to try and understand that part of me and maybe find what he's looking for in the process.
I don't think you're prying. I told you to read the blog. I am a very open person, and I do not try to hide my struggles or truimphs.
A babysitter on the weekends would be great. Once you start to spend some time with us, we can discuss that further. When you get settled, we will have you and your b/f over for dinner, okay? : )
I love kids, so if you and your husband ever need a babysitter (especially on the weekends), I would be more than willing... especially in the period of time before I secure a job out there. After reading your blog (not meaning to pry into your business), but I think a little one on one time for you and your hubby would be good. I know how much I value my alone time with the boyfriend. Of course, I leave that decision up to you, and you'd probably want to meet me first... make sure I'm not too much of a bad influence on the little ones. ^__^
Wee! How old is your daughter? And I will most certainly get in contact with you once I get into town and get settled. The first 4 days I am there my boyfriend has off work, so I anticipate us spending a lot of time alone together. It will have been almost a month, at that point, since we will have seen eachother, and it's nice to get time to re-bond and get used to eachother again. However, the Monday after I get there, he works until 3:30, and I have no plans. I may have to babysit our room-mate's 3 year old daughter, but a little walk and exercise will do her good... and maybe calm her down a little.
Hey Hun,
I live about two blocks away from Ben Lee Park. My daughter and I were there today, playing.
So, give me a jingle here, or on MSN, or email when you get into town, and I will meet you there. You can have a look at my website, as well, if you wouldlike to know more about me. It's under my profile.
Take deep breaths. You'll be okay. : ) One day at a time, dear.
Thank you so much. I cannot express what it means to me that you would even offer those things. I must admit, I am completely terrified of the situation I am getting myself into. I am leaving behind everything I know... my family, my friends, my entire support network... and I am diving head-first into a very sticky mess. It is nice to know that I will be able to find people out there to talk to. ^__^ Oh, and I would love to join you on your walks every so often. I am going to be moving to a townhouse complex not far from Ben Lee park and my boyfriend doesn't much like the idea of me walking around the area by myself. Over-protective and such. Go figure.
Hi Trixy. I read the posts you mentioned, and would be happy to help in anyway I can. If you just need to get out of the house, I am a stay-at-home mom, so I can go out pretty much any time. My youngest is in Kindergarten in the afternoon, so I have a few hours to myself every day that I use to go for walks (trying to lose 100lbs), visit friends, or have some down-time in the tub. : )
You're on my MSN list now, so feel free to message me whenever you need to. Even if it's just to talk.
I hope the Lord blesses you with peace, in your new life together.
I would absolutely adore that. I am moving out to live with my boyfriend, and I have a couple friends in Kelowna/Rutland, one is Westbank and a friend in Peachland, but I am getting into a bit of a sticky situation to say the least (see my posts in the Relationships and Sexuality forum, mainly "A Baby in the Mix"), and having someone with a little more world knowledge and insight would be much appreciated. Anywho, I will definately give you a shout once I get situated in town, and we should get together for coffee for sure. Thanks for the kind offer!