Matt- have you checked out GothVic for events and gatherings? Its a little closer to home and though our goth scene is not exactly that of Vancouvers, its nice to hear some decent music outside your headphones once in a while.
As for the Vancouver scene, weve been talking about a regular coffee type meet up. The more the merrier, if you can coordinate. As for a place to crash, there are some affordable hostels downtown, you just need to do a little research. They are not *all* bad.
As for moving... Coming from someone who has a mean habit of jumping cities without a plan or much savings, my advice is just go. If thats where you want to be, then be there. You may have to take a less than desirable job short term or live in a less than desirable place (i usually book a hostel for a month and figure it out from there) but youll have a hard time finding a job when you are a full days commute away.
The older you get, the more stuff you will acquire, the more you will settle, the more challenging and expensive it will be to move.