HELLo people

hey everyone
I just thought I would introduce myself my name is Noelle I am am 17yrs of age turning 18 in june i am a gemini and I love abstract photograhy and poetry I plan to atttend a fine arts college this summer in the summer . I came across this website through a new found friend of mine Metal Head i must say. my idois are Adam Deal a fellow photogropher . I am into all that gorry shit and pictures of death and darkeness only in a arts sense!!!! ThAt IT
Yep, definitely check out the arts forums here!
Cool. Nice of you too join us.
If you look through this site you will find a large range of ages and differences, kind of a gothic U.N. LOL.
I have noticed many people assume goths are all cookie cutter, not the case.
If you have a link for your work , you could always post it some time.
There are some talented artists doing that already. Check the profiles.
Once again, Welcome!!
Enjoy ;D