
Hey... longtime listener, first time caller.

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Well, I just went to my first Sanctuary since........ jeez, since before my daughter was born I guess, probably 3 years ago. I haven't been to the Marble Arch before, but it was pretty cool. I used to go all the time when I still lived downtown; The Purple Onion, The Drink, Celebs, (Paladium?)

It still just didn't fill in the void left in my soul from the loss of Luvafair, but it was great to hear some decent fucking music in a club environment again. Plus, for me, there is just nothing, I mean NOTHING, that match the atmosphere of "goth night".

LIttle about me, I guess.... moved out here from Alberta about 13 years ago or so. Used to think "The Bronx" in Edmonton was the best bar in the world until the first time I went to "Twilight  Zone". Used to do webdesign for high-end escorts and KMFDM. Now I am an electrician, easily the best job I have ever had. I specialize in hospitals/patient care areas, but I do a little commercial/industrial too. I LOVE power tools, especially ones that are really noisy and generate lots of sparks and debris.

I hate sports. I really fucking HATE sports.

I smoke too much. I used to drink too much as well, but not anymore. I really should quit, but it gives me so much pleasure NOW, and the threat of lung cancer seems so far away. (Definition: "irony"= I'm dead from lung cancer EXACTLY one year from now).

I love KMFDM. I am actually probably the biggest geek ever when it comes to KMFDM, I am like an industrial music version of those scary-ass "Babylon 5" fans you see at Star Trek conventions.

I also love, in no particular order: Bjork, NIna Hagen, Rammstein, Ministry, Lords of Acid, Nitzer Ebb, Pig, John Mellencamp (deadly serious), and the soundtrack from "Phantom of the Opera".

I am not a goth. It's just not "me". I really like goths though, and I think we have a lot in common. A lot. But I'm probably a better electrician than you.

If you flirt with me, I'll probably buy you a drink. But alas... you cannot possess me.

I have a cat. And a two and a half year old. They're both girls. I love them both, especially the two and a half year old.

Anyway, living in the burbs and working stupid crazy tons makes for not much "daddy time", but after dropping by Skank on Sunday night it's painfully clear to me that I missed it way more than I realized. I'll be trying to come out more often for sure.

SO, see you around hopefully!
